Balancing Buckets Lauren Jurczak Balancing Buckets Lauren Jurczak

Balancing the Bucket in Calming Spaces

Sometimes we all just need a break. We seek out a space that is quiet and inviting. We often emerge feeling better, centered, balanced. This space allowed us to balance out our bucket in one way or another. When children are overwhelmed by sensory information, they may need a similar break from activity and sensory input to help balance their sensory bucket.

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Balancing Buckets Lauren Jurczak Balancing Buckets Lauren Jurczak

Balancing Buckets

One of the best analogies I have come across is to think of your sensory system like a bucket. Some people have very large buckets while other people have very small buckets. All of our sensory information (sights, smells, sounds, tastes, movement, tactile information, etc.) goes into the top of the bucket and the holes in the bottom of the bucket allow it to trickle out as we process the information. For most people a bucket that is ½ full is comfortable.

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