Three Tips for Supporting Successful Sleep in Children

supporting sleep in children

Sleep is a restorative process that allows children’s bodies to be able to learn and play each day. Children need a sleep routine. In therapy, we call this sleep hygiene.

When talking with parents about children’s sleep issues, we ask about bed time routine (brushing teeth, changing clothes, bath time, etc.) to gain insight as to arousal level right before it’s time for lights out. When a child has issues with sleep, it can affect the entire family!

Some ideas for helping your child get to sleep quicker and sleep deeper include:
• Going to bed at the same time each night
• Establishing a night-time routine, including quiet activities like reading a book, or listening to soothing music
• Including some gross motor play/heavy work for little bodies more than an hour before designated bedtime

If your child is having difficulty with sleep, speaking to one of our therapists might help!

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